
Eleventy Documentation

⚠️ This documentation is for an older version. Go to the newest Eleventy docs or check out the full release history.

Documentation Pages

Command Line Usage #

# Defaults: searches the current directory, outputs to ./_site
# Equivalent to
eleventy --input=. --output=_site

A hypothetical template.md in the current directory would be rendered to _site/template/index.html. Read more at Permalinks.

# Automatically run when input template files change.
eleventy --watch
# Boot up a browsersync web server to automatically apply changes.
# We’ll --watch for you automatically.
eleventy --serve
# Override the default eleventy project config filename (.eleventy.js)
eleventy --config=myeleventyconfig.js
# Use only a subset of template types
eleventy --formats=md,html,ejs
# Find out the most up-to-date list of commands (there are more)
eleventy --help

Example: Same Input and Output #

Yes, you can use the same input and output directories, like so:

# Parse and write Markdown to HTML, respecting directory structure.
eleventy --input=. --output=. --formats=md

⚠️ Careful with --formats=html here! If you run eleventy more than once, it’ll try to process the output files too. Read more at Common Pitfalls.